Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Benakah"Hemat itu Pangkal Kaya"…???

Posted: 30 May 2011 09:04 PM PDT

Blog-QuDeWe-Berhemat adalah perbuatan yang mulia, tetapi betulkah akan membuat kita kaya? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu membahasnya lebih mendalam. Sebab dalam prakteknya, berhemat tidak otomatis menjadi kaya, bahkan jika salah kaprah, berhemat akan membuat kita miskin. Koq bisa?

Menghemat memang bisa membuat kita kaya, jika kita berhemat dengan cara yang benar. Ada juga berhemat tidak mengubah kehidupan seseorang. Bahkan ada juga berhemat yang akan menjadikan kita miskin. Jadi ada 3 macam berhemat, Anda melakukan yang mana saat ini? Jangan-jangan, Anda melakukan berhemat yang malah menjadikan miskin.

Salah Kaprah Hemat Pangkal Kaya

Ada empat kesalahan dalam berhemat. Bukan berhematnya yang salah, tetapi kesalahan terletak pada menempatkannya dan bagaimana cara kita menyikapinya. Keempat kesalahan ini akan membuat kita miskin.

Pertama: Saking berhematnya, banyak orang yang tidak mau shadaqah atau infaq dijalan Allah. Padahal bershadaqah akan melipatgandakan rezeki kita. Itu janji Allah, banyak hadits dan Al Quran yang menjelaskan hal ini. Yang penting kita ikhlash beshadaqah hanya kepada Allah, dan Allah telah berjanji akan mengganti dan melipatgandakan harta kita. Jika tidak mau bershadaqah bukankah berkesan kita tidak mau digandakan rezeki kita?

: Karena berhemat, hidup jadi sengsara. Makan ngirit, pakaian ngirit, rumah ngirit, segala ngirit sehingga hidup terasa sengsara jauh dibawah kemampuan kita. Artinya hemat yang berlebihan. Kenapa sikap seperti ini akan membuat kita miskin? Sebab mindset kita akan mengatakan bahwa kita adalah orang yang serba kekurangan, mindset kita akan mengatakan bahwa kita miskin, sehingga pikiran dan tindakan kita pun akan seperti orang miskin.

Artinya kita boleh berhemat, tetapi jangan berlebihan dalam berhemat. Tahan pengeluaran untuk hal-hal yang sebenarnya tidak perlu, namun menikmati rezeki dari Allah, agar keluarga bisa tersenyum, selama tidak berlebihan dan didalam batas kemampuan, bukanlah pemborosan. Ini bisa menjadi bentuk syukur dan nafkah batin bagi keluarga. Rekreasi, jalan-jalan, dan makan di luar sesekali itu boleh-boleh saja. Yang tidak boleh adalah: terus-menerus sehingga bukan hanya menghabiskan uang, bahkan justru malah tekor.

Ketiga: tidak mau berinvestasi. Jika Anda memiliki penghasilan Rp 5.000.000 per bulan, berapa penghematan yang bisa Anda lakukan? Rp 3.000.000? Atau Rp 2.000.000? Atau Rp 1.000.000? Atau Rp 500.000? Atau Rp 100.000? Jika jawaban terakhir yang benar, artinya Anda belum bisa berhemat sama sekali. Penghematan paling besar yang bisa Anda dapatkan adalah Rp 5.000.000 per bulan, itu pun jika Anda makan gratis, transportasi gratis, telepon gratis, listrik gratis, dan serba gratis. Kayaknya tidak mungkin dech.

Yang ingin saya tekankan disini adalah jika kita fokus pada penghematan maka peluang keberhasilan kita tidak akan lebih dari penghasilan yang kita miliki. Namun jika kita membuka mata untuk berinvestasi baik dalam bisnis sendiri, emas, properti, saham, dan sebagainya, maka kita memiliki peluang yang jauh lebih besar, bahkan tidak ada batas. Gaji Anda boleh Rp 5.000.000, tetapi peluang penghasilan dari bisnis/investasi bisa jauh lebih besar, puluhan bahwa ratusan kali lipat.

Intinya ialah jangan fokus pada berhemat saja, sisihkan sebagian hasil penghematan Anda untuk investasi.

Keempat: melupakan pendidikan. Saking berhematnya, banyak orang yang enggan mengeluarkan uang untuk membeli buku, ebook, video, mengikuti seminar, dan sebagainya. Dia pikir pendidikan bukan kebutuhan primer sehingga mendapatkan alokasi terakhir (jika ada sisa) bahkan tidak dialokasikan sama sekali.

Melupakan pendidikan sebenarnya sama dengan membatasi realitas Anda agar tidak berkembang. Padahal keberhasilan Anda akan berbanding lurus dengan besarnya realitas dalam diri Anda. Pikiran Anda ibarat wadah. Cara memperbesar pikiran ialah dengan belajar atau pendidikan. Hanya orang yang berpikiran besar yang akan meraih pencapaian besar. Pikiran mempengaruhi tindakan Anda dan tindakan menentukan hasil.
Berhemat dan Menjadi Kaya

Sekarang Anda sudah tahu salah kaprah dalam berhemat. Agar penghematan Anda menjadi berkah bagi Anda, maka hindari kesalahan diatas.

    Gunakan hasil penghematan Anda untuk shadaqah (tentu saja selain zakat Anda). Insya Allah ini akan menambah keberkahan dan rezeki kita akan ditambah. Tentu saja kita niatkan shadaqah hanya karena Allah, bukan karena ingin ditambah harta. Penambahan harta itu adalah bonus dari Allah sesuai janji-Nya seperti tertulis di Al Quran dan hadits.
    Nikmati hidup, jangan menjadi orang yang sesangsara sementara Anda sebenarnya mampu hidup lebih baik. Yang penting jangan boros sehingga uang Anda habis malah tekor untuk bersenang-senang.
    Investasikan sebagian hasil penghematan Anda. Bisa membangun bisnis sendiri, investasi pada aset seperti emas, properti, tanah, atau saham, dan sebagainya. Silahkan konsultasikan dengan penasihat keuangan Anda. Investasi memang beresiko, tetapi tidak berinvestasi juga beresiko.
    Investasikan pada pendidikan Anda. Tetaplah belajar agar pikiran Anda berkembang. Pohon akan menjadi besar jika pohon itu tumbuh. Begitu juga dengan Anda, bertumbuhlah.

Insya Allah dengan cara seperti ini kehidupan finansial Anda akan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sekedar berhemat. Hemat pangkal kaya memang benar jika kita menjalankannya dengan benar.


This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Rizal Armada – Isabella

Posted: 31 May 2011 03:56 PM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

Rizal Armada - Isabella (4shared)
Rizal Armada - Isabella (MediaFire)
Rizal Armada - Isabella (Sharebeast)

Beage – Kekasih Idaman

Posted: 31 May 2011 02:54 PM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

Beage - Kekasih Idaman (4shared)
Beage - Kekasih Idaman (MediaFire)
Beage - Kekasih Idaman (Sharebeast)

The Brantaz – Menutup Mata

Posted: 31 May 2011 01:18 PM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

The Brantaz - Menutup Mata (4shared)
The Brantaz - Menutup Mata (MediaFire)
The Brantaz - Menutup Mata (Sharebeast)

Deyla & Friends Feat Gantar – Terlanjur Sayang

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:26 PM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

Deyla & Friends Feat Gantar - Terlanjur Sayang (4shared)
Deyla & Friends Feat Gantar - Terlanjur Sayang (MediaFire)
Deyla & Friends Feat Gantar - Terlanjur Sayang (Sharebeast)

Pasto Feat Milika – Salahkah Aku Terlalu Mencintaimu

Posted: 31 May 2011 10:41 AM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

Pasto Feat Milika - Salahkah Aku Terlalu Mencintaimu (4shared)
Pasto Feat Milika - Salahkah Aku Terlalu Mencintaimu (MediaFire)
Pasto Feat Milika - Salahkah Aku Terlalu Mencintaimu (Sharebeast)

Hasil Skor Persela vs Persipura 31 Mei 2011 | Pertandingan ISL

Posted: 31 May 2011 04:10 AM PDT

Hasil Skor Persela vs Persipura 31 Mei 2011 | Pertandingan ISL - Persipura Jayapura mampu mencuri poin dari tuan rumah Persela Lamongan pada lanjutan ISL 31 Mei 2011. Persipura menang dengan skor tipis 1-0 lewat gol bunuh diri bek Persela Charis Yulianto di menit 5.

Hasil ini membuat Persipura semakin kokoh di puncak klasemen ISL dengan 51 poin dari 23 pertandingan. Persipura hanya butuh lima poin untuk mengunci gelar juara di ISL musim ini. Sementara Persela masih tertahan di peringkat sepuluh dengan 32 poin dari 23 pertandingan.

Sarah Palin Bus Tour Rolls Through Philadelphia

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:55 PM PDT

She draws a crowd wherever she goes, and Sarah Palin was spotted greeting some fans in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday afternoon (May 31).

The "Sarah Palin's Alaska" star looked well put together as she arrived at Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell as she's currently on her "One Nation" Bus Tour.

Awhile later, Palin hopped back onto her bus along with her entourage and headed in the direction of New York City.

Over the past two days, Sarah has moved from Washington to Maryland to Pennsylvania, always happy to stop in and chat with the locals.

Justin Bieber Gives Selena Gomez a Foot Rubdown

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:40 PM PDT

Having quite the romantically fabulous time, Justin Bieber showed that he knows how to treat a lady during his Hawaiian escapade with Selena Gomez.

The cute couple are most recently seen in a new Twitter pic in which the "Baby" hitmaker tenderly is doting his "Monte Carlo" cutie with a foot massage.

The image hit the web via a fan of Bieber's Twitter account, as @AdorableJelena posted the pic of a shirtless Justin sitting next to Selena on a couch in Maui, Hawaii.

Hopefully not upsetting die-hard fans against the budding relationship too much, the caption with the lovey-dovey photo reads: "New jelena pic and is justin rubbing selena's feet? xD"

Coldplay’s New Single: “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall”

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:35 PM PDT

They're on the verge of releasing a brand new track, and the artwork for Coldplay's "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" has just been released.

The band released the official cover art and lyrics for the soon-to-be-hit via their website and Twitter earlier today (May 31).

Coming up this Friday, the band will be streaming their new single on their official website as well as performing live for the first time at Rock in Park in Germany.

The track is the first single off Coldplay's upcoming yet-to-be-titled album which will be released this fall.

“Spy Kids: All The Time In The World” Trailer: Watch Now!

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:22 PM PDT

With summer almost here, it's time for some serious adventure- and "Spy Kids: All The Time In The World" is just around the corner.

Slated for an August 19th release, the action-packed flick is generating all kinds of hype with its just-released trailer.

"Spy Kids: All The Time In The World" stars Jessica Alba as a retired spy who resumes her career when an imminent threat presents itself.

Joel McHale, Antonio Banderas, Danny Trejo, Ricky Gervais, and Jeremy Piven also star in the sure-to-be hit movie.

Doutzen Kroes: Canadian Bombshell

Posted: 31 May 2011 12:06 PM PDT

Giving the locals in Toronto, Canada a special treat, Doutzen Kroes was on-hand for a meet and greet at the Eaton Centre on Tuesday (May 31).

The Victoria's Secret beauty is currently on the Bombshell Tour and graciously signed autographs for adoring fans during the press event.

In a recent interview with Inside Toronto, Doutzen revealed what the best part about being an Angel is. She told, "I love traveling, going to nice beaches. And I like that even if you have a bad day, you get nice hair and makeup and you always get to feel like a princess."

And, when asked who her favorite VS Angel is, Doutzen replied, "I think Gisele is my favorite."

Kate Moss Hires William & Kate’s Photographer!

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:56 AM PDT

Bonding over a little shopping, Kate Moss and a pal were spotted out at Notting Hill in London, UK earlier today (May 31).

While on her friendly spending spree, the 37-year-old supermodel paired a loose black top with black pants and knee-high boots.

In related news, Kate has hired famed fashion photographer, Mario Testino, to take pictures at her July 2nd nuptials to Kills rocker Jamie Hince.

Mario, who was responsible for official engagement portraits of Prince William and Kate Middleton, told press he wants to "capture the happiness that Kate is going through at the moment."

Lauren Conrad: Lucky Covergirl

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:41 AM PDT

While she's remained a bit more low-key than usual as of late, Lauren Conrad is front and center in the July 2011 issue of Lucky magazine.

Set to hit newsstands on June 10th, the former "Hills" hottie chatted with the publication about topics such as her new fashion line and keeping up with a healthy lifestyle.

Highlights from Miss Conrad's interview with Lucky are as follows:

On her Paper Crown fashion line launch: "It's easier to launch the line without MTV. A lot of people in fashion don't want to be linked with anything that has to do with reality TV. Showrooms were turning us down."

On MTV pulling the plug on her reality show: "It didn't feel like a perfect fit. It's difficult to compete with all the Jersey Shore-type shows out there. Besides, there weren't any scenes of me getting drunk or fighting, so what's the point?"

On not being a fan of the gym: "I'm just not a fan of the gym. In fact, I hate it. I understand loving the feeling you get after working out - all those endorphins. But going there? It's the worst."

On her always-changing eating preferences: "I'm now focusing a lot more on my health. I no longer eat pork, I rarely eat beef, and I don't like chicken now because my mother keeps four hens as pets. I'm not kidding."

Sean Kingston’s Passenger: We Were Going Too Fast!

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:33 AM PDT

Speaking out for the first time since their weekend jet ski fun turned serious, Sean Kingston's passenger is recalling the moments that led up to Sunday's (May 29) crash.

The fellow rider and longtime friend of the "Beautiful Girls" singer, Cassandra Sanchez, told TMZ that the two were going way too fast from the start, revealing, "Both jet skis pulled out of the dock at the same time and we were going so fast we just blasted past them. When we turned a corner and crashed ... they were so far behind us they didn't even see us crash."

Cassandra said they were gliding through the water at a high rate of speed before approaching the Palm Island bridge, when she yelled out to Sean,"We can't fit under there? Are we going to try and go under there? Sean, stop!"

Although Sanchez only suffered a sore jaw and ribs, Kingston remains at Miami's Ryder Trauma Center, where he is listed in critical, but stable condition.

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s Post-Accident Neck Brace

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:22 AM PDT

Enjoying the beautiful weather, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was spotted out and about in Florence, Italy this afternoon (May 31).

Joined by Deena Nicole Cortese, the "Jersey Shore" babe wore a neck brace throughout her day, caused by her little "incident" with the Florence police yesterday.

Snooki was driving through town yesterday when she crashed into a police car, sending two officers to the hospital.

Polizzi and Cortese were not arrested but did have to report to the police station to fill out an accident report.

Kelly Clarkson & Seal’s “National Anthem” at Indy 500

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:14 AM PDT

It was a huge weekend in Indianapolis as the Indy 500 came to town, and Kelly Clarkson and Seal helped to kick things off.

The "American Idol" alum and the "Kiss From a Rose" stud were joined by David Foster for a rousing performance of the "National Anthem."

Clarkson and Seal were both on top of their vocal game, creating beautiful harmonies together overtop Foster's elegant piano stylings.

And once the race was over, Dan Wheldon emerged victorious for the second time. He told press, "I'm just extremely happy. To think that I'm a two-time winner. … Bryan, who has been a teammate and good friend for a long time, gave me an excellent opportunity to win this race."

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

L’Alphalpha – Fireworks But I Still Had A Reason To Smile

Posted: 30 May 2011 07:45 AM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

L'Alphalpha - Fireworks But I Still Had A Reason To Smile (4shared)
L'Alphalpha - Fireworks But I Still Had A Reason To Smile (MediaFire)
L'Alphalpha - Fireworks But I Still Had A Reason To Smile (Sharebeast)

MangLo – Ai Lop Yu

Posted: 30 May 2011 12:12 AM PDT

Download lagu atau mp3 dari artis, band, & musisi ini hanya untuk review lagu saja. Belilah CD original dan gunakan Nada sambung pribadi NSP, RBT I-RINGnya agar mereka tetap bisa berkarya dengan lagu terbaru lainnya.

MangLo - Ai Lop Yu (4shared)
MangLo - Ai Lop Yu (MediaFire)
MangLo - Ai Lop Yu (Sharebeast)

Robert Pattinson: Memorial Day Worker

Posted: 30 May 2011 01:06 PM PDT

While those living in the States enjoyed a break from work duties in tribute to military personnel, Robert Pattinson pushed forth with his demanding schedule on the set of "Cosmopolis" in Toronto on Monday (May 30).

Looking dapper in a white buttondown shirt and black trousers, the "Twilight" heartthrob meandered around the trailer area before joining back up with co-star Sarah Gadon for the midday Canadian shoot.

As for his latest role, Pattinson portrays a character named Eric Packer, who's described as a financial wizard who goes on 24-hour odyssey in New York City.

Based on the book of the same name by Don DeLillo, "Cosmopolis" is being directed by David Cronenberg while slated for release in 2012.

Sarah Palin’s Rolling Thunder Rally Ride

Posted: 30 May 2011 12:29 PM PDT

Hitting the Harley for a good cause, Sarah Palin and her family attended the annual Rolling Thunder rally in Arlington, Virgina over the holiday weekend (May 29).

The former Alaskan governor, clad in a black leather jacket, a black helmet and sunglasses, kicked off her "One Nation" bus tour at the special event.

While amidst the rumbling crowd, Sarah revealed that a 2012 presidential run is still a possibility, as she responded "I don't know yet" when asked about a bid at the White House.

Later in the day, Miss Palin took to her website to post about her rally-riding fun, writing, "There's no better way to see DC than on the back of a Harley! My family may be used to snow machines more so than motorcycles . . . But whether you're riding the open road or the frozen tundra, you're celebrating a free spirit. What could be more American than that?"

Miranda Cosgrove: Grove Gal

Posted: 30 May 2011 08:21 AM PDT

Treating herself to an evening out, Miranda Cosgrove was spotted venturing around The Grove in Los Angeles last night (May 29).

Joined by a guy pal, the "iCarly" babe looked cute and casual in a bright fuschia top as she headed into the movie theater to catch box office topper "The Hangover 2".

Additionally, Miranda has joined forces with beauty brand Neutrogena to raise awareness and funds for skin cancer research.

An insider revealed that Ms. Cosgrove took on the cause to help teens know the hazards and possible damaging effects of tanning.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Jessica Alba’s Memorial Day Brentwood Family Fun

Posted: 30 May 2011 07:57 AM PDT

Spending the holiday weekend with the family, Jessica Alba was spotted out and about in Brentwood, California with husband Cash Warren and daughter Honor Marie on Sunday (May 29).

The casually-clad trio looked relaxed as they strolled along the sidewalk, with Jessica and Cash wearing sunglasses while Honor sported a big smile on her precious face.

The Memorial Day weekend outing comes as the 30-year-old expectant mother recently revealed that she likes to stay active throughout her pregnancy, telling, "I'd like to still do something five days a week, from a half hour to an hour - nothing excessive, just some moving (around). It makes the whole pregnancy so much easier. The more fit you are, the easier the birth is, and a healthier baby you're going to have."

Alba said that she gets her pre-baby workout regimen from someone very close to her, explaining, "My grandmother was amazing. She would go home and would put on the clothes that she wore before she got pregnant with all five of her kids. It's definitely good genetics, but she also worked through all of her pregnancies. Just being on your feet and moving probably helped."

Nicky Lachey & Vanessa Minnillo’s Rooftop Wedding Shower

Posted: 30 May 2011 07:39 AM PDT

Readying themselves for their upcoming "I Do's" with a holiday weekend celebration, Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo hosted a wedding shower at the London Hotel in West Hollywood on Sunday evening (May 29).

The pair greeted their party guests to their rooftop celebration around 7 p.m., of which one insider told, "Nick and Vanessa greeted guests hand-in-hand. Vanessa looked gorgeous in a white dress with a black sash. She and Nick both seemed very excited to celebrate with their families and friends."

After filling up one some delicious dishes prepared by chef Gordon Ramsay's kitchen, attendees hit the dance floor, as a source revealed, "Everyone seemed to have a great time. It was a laidback, yet sophisticated atmosphere. Guests danced until the late hours."

Among the gifts Hollywood's hot couple unwrapped were Waterford Waterford champagne flutes, a Feinberg English Silver wine funnel and Juliska Berry & Thread whitewash dinnerware.

Pete Wentz & Ashlee Simpson’s Market Visit with Bronx

Posted: 30 May 2011 07:29 AM PDT

Making the most of the beautiful weather, Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz were spotted out with their son Bronx in Los Angeles yesterday (May 29).

The former Fall Out Boy bassist and his former wife headed off to a farmers market with their boy, and from all angles it looked like they were getting along quite well.

Though they're split up, Pete told press that he and Ashlee try their best to make Bronx's life as drama-free as possible.

"Everything at home is good. We try to make his life as easy to navigate as possible and he's growing up so it's important for everyone who loves him to be involved with his life."

Adrianne Curry & Christopher Knight Call It Quits

Posted: 30 May 2011 06:17 AM PDT

Adding another casualty to the Tinseltown failed marriage list, Adrianne Curry and Christopher Knight have decided to call it quits.

The "My Fair Brady" stars decided to separate on their fifth wedding anniversary, and their manager Phil Viardo released a statement to that effect.

"After starting a relationship with what seemed to be irreconcilable differences, the couple has reached a period where those differences are no longer appreciated."

"The decision was mutually reached after it became clear to both that some perspective was needed in order to assess their unique union."

Back in 2008, Knight's "Brady Bunch" costar Florence Henderson shared her thoughts about the marriage. "They didn't take my advice at all! And as you may have seen, they did get engaged and they did get married. Maybe I will counsel the divorce."

Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban: Bowling with Sunday!

Posted: 30 May 2011 06:08 AM PDT

Enjoying some quality family time, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban were spotted at Chelsea Piers in New York City yesterday (May 29).

The "Days Go By" singer and his "Moulin Rouge" wife treated their daughter Sunday Rose to some bowling action during their much-deserved day off.

On Saturday, Nicole and Keith opted for some retail therapy at Jeffrey, a high-end boutique in Manhattan.

Earlier in the week, they flew in to the Big Apple with Sunday and Faith on a flight from Los Angeles.

Ashley Tisdale & Scott Speer’s "Hangover 2" Date Night

Posted: 30 May 2011 05:56 AM PDT

Stepping out for a movie date, Ashley Tisdale was spotted at the Grove Cinema with her boyfriend Scott Speer last night (May 29).

Both lovebirds looked a bit glum as they made their exit after taking in a showing of "The Hangover Part II."

Ashley recently chatted with JSYK about her newest film "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure," in which her character takes center stage.

"You get to see the character in a totally different light. You always are used to seeing her stirring things up in all the other 'High School Musical' movies, and in this movie, it's her movie. You kind of have to not love to hate her, you have to fall in love with her. You get to see why Sharpay is who she is."

Sean Kingston: Hospitalized in Miami Beach

Posted: 30 May 2011 05:39 AM PDT

It's always sad to hear of our favorite celebrities getting hurt, and last night (May 29) Sean Kingston was admitted to a Miami Beach hospital.

The "Fire Burning" singer reportedly crashed a jet ski into the bridge connecting Palm Island to the MacArthur Causeway and sustained serious injuries. He had a female passenger on board as well.

Mr. Kingston was quickly transported to the Jackson Memorial Hospital and treated in the trauma ward.

He's currently in critical condition and the cause of the crash is undetermined. Stay linked to GossipCenter for the latest on this developing story.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

(pic) Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Posted: 28 May 2011 11:07 PM PDT

Nama Lia Aulia semakin berkibar di dunia perfilman tanah air. Seiring maraknya film horor yang dibalut dengan sensualitas, Lia kini semakin melambung karena penampilannya yang berani di depan kamera.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Belum Lama ini, Lia pun sempat melakoni sesi pemotretan bersama detikhot. Lia pun berpose dalam balutan dress mini yang sangat seksi.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Tak bisa dipungkiri, Lia memang kerap tampil dengan busana yang seksi dan minim di beberapa filmnya.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Lulusan D3 Pariwisata UI itu juga tak malu untuk tampil seksi dan sensual di depan kamera.

Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Justru dengan keberaniannya itu yang semakin memantapkan karirnya di dunia perfilman tanah air.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Sedikitnya sudah lebih dari 3 judul film yang ia perankan, dan yang terbaru adalah "Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2'.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Sebelum terjun ke dunia film, Lia sempat mencicipi dunia sinetron dan presenter di beberapa acara televisi.

Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Seakan memanfaatkan ruang kosong, Ia juga menjajal dunia tarik suara.

Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Bahkan, ia mengaku mengawali perjalanan karirnya di dunia hiburan adalah di dunia tarik suara sejak duduk di bangku SMA.

Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Gadis kelahiran Karawang, 26 April 1984 itu memang terbilang cukup mandiri, karena sejak SMA ia juga sudah mencari uang sendiri dengan menjual suara.
Fantasi Sensual Lia Aulia

Single terbaru Lia yang berjudul 'Kau tunggu Jandaku' itu bergenre House Dangdut untuk mengisi kekosongan pasar kelas bawah.

sumber :

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Posted: 28 May 2011 10:59 PM PDT

Pesinetron Tommy Kurniawan terlihat mesra dengan perempuan lain yang bukan istrinya. Oh ternyata itu adegan video klip yang dibintangi Tommy, milik sahabatnya, Inge, Sabtu (28/5).
Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Persahabatan membuat Inge menawarkan Tommy sebagai model dalam single perdananya.

Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Tommy mengaku mengenal Inge di pengajian.

Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Soal pekerjaan, pasca menikah Tommy memang mengaku makin selektif dari sebelumnya.

Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Walau berjauhan dari istri, Tommy tetap ingin menjaga perasaan sang istri.

Tommy Kurniawan Mesra dengan Wanita Lain

Kini Tommy pun berkonsetrasi dengan kariernya sementara sang istri meneruskan kuliah.

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Berubah Demi Pacar: bagaimanakan menurut Anda?

Posted: 28 May 2011 10:18 PM PDT

Banyak orang yang rela berubah demi kekasihnya. Entah karena diminta, atau keinginan sendiri. Bagaimana dengan Anda?

Berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik, jelas tak masalah. Malah, Cindy Haynes dalam The Book of Change, justru menyarankannya. Apalagi kalau didasari kesadaran pribadi.
"Berubah atau (tepatnya) kompromi demi kekasih, akan berdampak baik bagi hubungan. Apalagi bila perubahan itu positif dan memberi inspirasi bagi berdua. Tak ada salahnya, koq!" kata Haynes.
Lalu, perubahan seperti apa yang bisa dibilang positif dan memberi inspirasi?
Penampilan, seperti bila Anda dituntut tampil anggun dan seksi, padahal Anda adalah pribadi yang casual. Jangan frustasi, tapi coba temukan sisi baru yang tak pernah Anda rasakan. Kompromikan, sebatas mana Anda bisa merubahnya. Paling tidak, Anda nggak perlu berubah total.
Berat badan. Wajar jika dia konsen pada berat badan. Pasalnya, selain nggak enak dipandang, terlalu kurus atau terlalu 'ndut' itu tanda orang kurang sehat. Jangan tersinggung, tapi pikirkan sisi positifnya, kecuali Anda merasa nyaman dengan bobot tubuh sekarang.
Merubah sifat. Ini yang paling susah, karena sifat itu udah bawaan. Tapi bila dia membawa Anda ke arah yang lebih baik, kenapa tidak? Apalagi jika (kata teman), Anda punya sederet sifat "jelek", seperti pemarah, pendendam, atau pemalas. Oke, kan kalau bisa diubah?
Lebih smart. Maksudnya tentu bukan karena Anda bodoh, tapi dia akan merasa lebih bangga jika Anda bisa 'lebih' pintar. Ini bisa menambah semangat Anda untuk tampil sebagai pribadi yang lebih berkualitas. Sama sekali bukan perubahan yang buruk bukan?
Intinya, sejauh perubahan yang dituntutnya berdampak baik, kita perlu pertimbangkan. Toh, bukan cuma untuk kebaikan hubungan asmara, tapi untuk kita juga! Ehm, kalo cinta semakin lekat, asyik kan...?

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Kelakuan Para Wanita Yang Super Gokil Gan

Posted: 28 May 2011 09:51 PM PDT






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Foto Terbaru Rihanna dengan Busana Tanpa Pakaian dlm?

Posted: 28 May 2011 09:36 PM PDT

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(Jokes) Percakapan 2 Lelaki JANTAN di BUS Kota

Posted: 28 May 2011 09:30 PM PDT

PR : Perokok

BP : Bukan Perokok

*mereka berdua lagi di bus kota*

PR mengeluarkan sebungkus rokok dari kantung celananya bermaksud untuk menawarkan kepada orang sebelahnya

PR : Mau rokok mas?

BP : oh tidak,, terimakasih

BP bermaksud penasaran, dan ingin memberi arahan kepada si PR supaya tidak merokok, lantas mulailah si BP mengawali pembicaraan

BP : sehari habis berapa batang rokok mas?

PR : Biasanya sih 2 bungkus

BP : sebungkus harganya berapa mas?

PR : 10.000

BP : mas udah berapa tahun ngerokok?

PR : kurang lebih 20 tahun

BP : begini saya kasih gambaran, 1 bungkus harganya 10ribu, satu hari mas habis 2 bungkus, jadi 20.000. kalo satu bulan jadi 20.000 x 30 = 600.000. jadi kalo satu tahun berarti 600.000 x 12 = 7.200.000 , kalo anda udah 20 taun ngerokok berarti 7.200.000 x 20 = 144.000.000.. wahh seharusnya kalo mas gak merokok udah bisa beli mobil tuh!

PR : saya juga kasih gambaran!

BP : silahkan

PR : mas perokok atau tidak?

BP : tidak. itu haram bagi saya


BP : $%^$^#%^^$@$^@

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Parah! Si Kakek Nenenin Cucunya….

Posted: 28 May 2011 09:14 PM PDT

so weird.......................... O_ov

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Sadiz banget gan.. dikubur hidup-hidup!

Posted: 28 May 2011 09:06 PM PDT

gile...sadis banget nih gan,ckck

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Foto Foto Lucu dari Berbagai Belahan Dunia

Posted: 28 May 2011 08:57 PM PDT

Foto Foto Lucu dari berbagai Dunia
Foto Foto Lucu dari berbagai Dunia
Foto Foto Lucu dari berbagai Dunia
Foto Foto Lucu dari berbagai Dunia

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KOPLAK! Kapok dah.. Begini nih Akibatnya Jika Pulang Terakhir dari Warnet

Posted: 28 May 2011 08:53 PM PDT

Ampun deh bro..
gw gak bakal pulang terakhir lagi dari warnet
nyesel senyesel-nyeselnya...!!!

sendal kesayangan gw jadi kya gitu

muke gile yang nuker tuh sendal.. :(

sumber :

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