Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011



Simoncelli Meninggal Dunia

Posted: 23 Oct 2011 03:02 AM PDT

SEPANG (DP)–  Kabar duka menyelimuti dunia balap. Marco Simoncelli akhirnya meninggal dunia setelah nyawanya tidak terselamatkan saat kecelakaan di MotoGP Malaysia.

Seperti diberitakan oleh Auto Sport, pembalap Italia ini akhirnya menghembuskan nafas terakhir. Simoncelli sempat mendapatkan perawatan medis namun akhirnya nyawanya sudah tidak dapat tertolong.

Simoncelli start dari posisi kelima dan sempat naik ke posisi keempat di awal awal lap. Namun di lap kedua saat menikung, rider asal Italia ini terseret bersama motornya dan helmnya sempat terlepas.

Dari hasil tayangan televisi, Simoncelli bersama motornya sempat menabrak Colin Edwards dan Valentino Rossi. Edwards masih sempat bangun namun Simoncelli terlihat tidak bergerak.

Edwards dikabarkan masih mengalami dislokasi pada bahunya dan Rossi baik baik saja. Sedangkan Simoncelli langsung mendapatkan perawatan dari staff medis setelah kecelakaan tersebut.

Pihak penyelenggara memutuskan membatalkan balapan karena selurh staff medis berkonsentrasi pada kondisi Simoncelli. Namun setelah mendapatkan perawatan kondisi Super Sic tidak tertolong lagi. (dp/REK)



Tips Cermat Memilih Perlengkapan Baju Bayi, Sepatu Bayi, dan Topi Bayi

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:26 PM PDT

Kehadiran bayi mungil di tengah-tengah keluarga tentu saja menjadi kado terindah bagi setiap pasangan, terutama bagi mereka yang baru menikah. Segala keperluan dan kebutuhan bayi sudah pasti akan berusaha dipenuhi.

Memilih perlengkapan bayi seperti baju, sepatu dan topi tidaklah semudah memilih perlengkapan anak-anak yang beranjak besar. Kulit bayi yang masih lembut, sangat riskan akan beberapa bahan tertentu. Karena itu Anda harus lebih selektif dalam memilih perlengkapan bayi yang dibutuhkan.

Berikut beberapa panduan dalam memilih perlengkapan si kecil :

Baju bayi

Memilih baju bayi terkadang tidaklah mudah. Sebagai orang tua, Anda tentu ingin melihat sang buah hati tampil cantik dengan model tertentu, padahal belum tentu baju yang dipilih akan nyaman dikenakan sang bayi. Untuk itu, dalam memilih baju bayi Anda harus lebih selektif dan melihatnya dari berbagai sudut pandang, dari model, warna dan kenyamanannya.

Tips memilih baju bayi:

* Pilihlah ukuran yang pas dengan tubuh bayi. Bayi yang tubuhnya lebih besar akan sulit bergerak jika menggunakan baju yang sempit.

* Sesuaikan bahan baju dengan iklim dan cuaca. Untuk tempat yang beriklim tropis, pilihlah baju bayi dari bahan yang mudah menyerap keringat dan halus, misalnya dari bahan katun atau kaos. Sementara di tempat beriklim dingin, pilihlah baju yang berbahan sedikit lebih tebal tapi tetap lembut dan nyaman.

* Hindarilah pakaian dari bahan sintetis semacam polyster karena tidak menyerap keringat sehingga dapat menyebabkan ruam kulit.

* Utamakan fungsi daripada model. Pilihlah baju yang simpel dan sesuai dengan tubuh bayi yang masih kecil agar tidak menghalangi aktivitasnya.

* Hindari memilih baju atau celana yang kepanjangan saat bayi sudah bisa merangkak, agar bayi lebih leluasa dalam beraktvitas.

* Perhatikan posisi label baju. Posisi label yang baik adalah yang letaknya jauh dari kulit bayi, misalnya disamping bagian luar baju. Hal ini untuk menghindari kulit bayi dari lecet dan iritasi pada kulit

* Jangan memilih Baju dengan banyak aksesori, seperti bertali-tali, pita, manik-manik atau payet. Selain membuat tidak nyaman, bayi kerap menggigiti bagian bajunya. Baju dengan kerutan (smock) di dada, sebaiknya juga dihindari karena terlalu ketat dan dapat menyesakkan dada bayi.

* Hindari kerah yang terlalu sempit dan tebal, karena akan membuat bayi merasa tidak nyaman dan sulit bergerak.

* Hindari penggunaan karet elastis, karena memiliki daya rekat yang kuat. Sebaiknya gunakan benang karet yang daya rekatnya lebih lembut.

* Jangan memilih baju bayi yang berkancing dari bahan logam (besi). Sebab, besi dapat berkarat dan kala bayi mulai meraba dan memasukan tangan maka karat pun terbawa.

* Cucilah terlebih dahulu baju yang baru dibeli agar lebih lembut saat digunakan dan bayi terlindung dari kotoran.

Sepatu Bayi

Umumnya bayi memerlukan sepatu dari sebelum ia bisa menapak lantai. Sepatu yang lebih berbentuk seperti kaus kaki itu berfungsi untuk menghangatkan kaki sekaligus sebagai aksesoris untuk mempercantik kaki bayi.

Pada saat anak mulai belajar berjalan, sepatu lebih berfungsi untuk melindungi kaki dari benda tajam, kotoran, dan sebagainya. Namun bila si kecil berjalan di dalam rumah yang bersih dan aman, biarkan dia berjalan tanpa alas kaki agar dia bisa belajar mengenali benda yang disentuh kakinya.

Tips memilih sepatu bayi :

* Pilihlah sepatu dengan sol empuk dan bertekstur. Hal ini untuk menghindari agar si kecil tidak mudah terpeleset.

* Penyangga telapak kaki empuk dan melengkung. Bagian melengkung di telapak kakinya jadi tersangga dengan baik.

* Kelenturan bahan sepatu juga perlu diperhatikan agar kakinya lebih fleksibel saat berjalan. Untuk mencoba kelenturannya, Anda bisa menekuk sepatu itu.

* Pilih sepatu yang berbahan kuat, ringan dan tidak terlalu tipis. Ini berguna untuk melindungi kakinya dan membuat langkahnya tidak terhambat.

* Sebaiknya bagian atas sepatu tak terbuat dari bahan plastik karena menghalangi penguapan. Pilihlah bahan kain agar udara dapat masuk.

* Hindari ujung yang runcing atau menyempit, karena dapat membuat gerak jari-jarinya terhambat.

* Usahakan agar ukuran sepatu tidak sempit dan juga tidak longgar. Karena tulang kaki anak belum terbentuk sempurna sampai ia berusia 6 tahun. Sebaiknya jarak antara sepatu dengan ujung jari kaki terpanjang sekitar 2 cm agar sepatu nyaman digunakan si kecil.

* Pertumbuhan kaki anak memang sangat cepat. Idealnya, 3 kali dalam setahun Anda harus membeli sepatu baru untuk si kecil

* Gunakan kaus kaki jika perlu

Topi Bayi

Topi adalah perlengkapan bayi yang tak kalah pentingnya. Bagi bayi yang baru lahir topi berguna untuk mencegah pengeluaran panas, karena pengeluaran panas lebih banyak dari kepala. Topi juga sangat berguna jika cuaca dingin atau pada saat bayi ingin diajak keluar rumah.

Tips memilih topi bayi :

Sebaiknya bayi dipakaikan topi pada usia 2 minggu pertama setelah lahir. Topi yang kini hadir dengan beragam warna bentuk juga dapat menambah lucu penampilan bayi mungil Anda.

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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011



Variety’s 5th Annual Power Of Youth: A Complete Look

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 04:36 PM PDT

Paying tribute to good deeds done by the young stars of Hollywood, Variety's 5th Annual Power of Youth event was held in Hollywood, California on Saturday (October 22).

Taking place at Paramount Studios, honorees including Hayden Panettiere, Chloe Moretz, Hailee Steinfeld and Bailee Madison joined alongside one another to receive their commendations.

With seven celebrities receiving Power of Youth awards for giving back to society, the other three do-gooders toasted this time around were "Glee" star Darren Criss, "Modern Family" actor Rico Rodriguez and "Two and a Half Men" actor Angus T. Jones.

Getting plenty of support from their fellow Tinseltown pals, stars out in support of the charitable recognition included actress Debby Ryan, along with singers Rebecca Black and Greyson Chance.

Meanwhile, Miss Steinfeld recently penned a message about being picked as a Power of Youth recipient, in which she told, "I am really excited that Variety chose me and that I have had a chance to do some work with Share Our Strength. I have been so fortunate in my own life; I've never struggled with hunger and I can't imagine how it feels to be uncertain of meals or access to good food."

She added, "The thing I liked most about the No Kid Hungry campaign was that they already had a solution to ending childhood hunger. So, there's enough food in America and there are these wonderful food programs – like school breakfast and lunch and summer meals – but they are just not reaching enough children. An important part of what the No Kid Hungry campaign does is improve these programs and make sure that they are connecting with the kids who need them. That seemed so sensible!"

Ashley Greene Covers BlackBook November 2011

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 03:32 PM PDT

Getting in promotional mode with "Breaking Dawn Part 1" less than a month away from release, Ashley Greene finds herself adorning the November 2011 issue of BlackBook magazine.

The Alice Cullen actress posed for a Dean Isidro shot spread while chatting with the publication about her relationship speculation, being a hard worker since the age of 14 and being brought up by a Marines dad.

Highlights from Miss Greene's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to visit BlackBook!

On being rumored to be dating... everyone:
"I'm dating everyone! My brother lives in LA and won't even walk outside a restaurant with me. He's like, 'I don't want to be romantically linked to you.'"

On her crazy work ethic:
"I worked at the dry cleaner across from my school, I worked accounts payable for a company, I did hosting, I worked at a bowling alley, I worked at a boutique. I worked at a hotel, I worked at a restaurant, I did modeling, I worked everywhere. And I didn't get fired!"

On her Sports Illustrated photoshoot:
"My team asked them to go easy on the Photoshop. I'm not perfect, I have flaws."

On having a tough dad:
"My dad used to be in the Marines, so no one is going to give him flack. At 14, I was being a little brat, I thought I knew everything, and my dad was like, 'I own your bed, your TV, everything.' There was a lot of discipline, and with what I'm doing now, I'm glad for it."

On being strong when it comes to sports:
"Growing up I was very competitive with my brother. He did martial arts, and I was a tomboy. I got into martial arts and won medals. Once on the trampoline, I hit my leg and it just snapped. They put pins in it. I broke my arm twice, I broke my femur twice, I split my head open twice."

Lady Gaga Toasted with Big Man of the Year Award

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 02:04 PM PDT

Stepping out for a special occasion, Lady Gaga attended a charity dinner for Little Kids Rock at Edison Ballroom in New York City on Thursday night (October 20).

The Mother Monster sparkled in a fancy dress complete with gloves, a diamond necklace, and diamond earrings as she was doted with the Big Man of the Year award presented by the wife of late musician Clarence Clemons.

During her emotional acceptance speech, Gaga said, "My first experience with music was my father playing a vinyl of the E Street Band. I knew every time the song played that my grandpa was looking down and thanking me [for]… the gift I had given to my father by having Clarence on that record. There is no edge when it comes to Clarence's glory."

On another note, the 25-year-old took to Twitter on Friday night to post a YouTube link to a video featuring one of her lookalikes in a Halloween themed clip.

With the video link (watch below), Gaga wrote, "OK THIS IS AMAZING MONSTER VIDEO, haus of gaga just peed in the bed laughing. This girl looks just like me! GAGAWEEN"

Freida Pinto Premieres "Trishna" at BFI London Film Fest

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:56 PM PDT

Stepping out for her latest theatrical project, Freida Pinto was the focal point today (October 22) at The BFI London Film Festival.

The 27-year-old actress dazzled in black as she took to the Vue West End for the premiere of her new movie "Trishna" alongside director Michael Winterbottom.

Having attended a press conference and photocall earlier in the day, "Trishna" tells "the story of the tragic relationship between the son of a property developer and the daughter of an auto rickshaw owner."

Meanwhile, recent buzz suggests that Miss Pinto has inked a two-year endorsement deal with a high fashion apparel brand for a whopping $7 million.

"Since it is a two-year deal, it makes it a $7 million deal. In Indian rupees, it is approximately R35 crore. It is higher than what any Indian female celebrity has ever been paid," an insider told press.

Meanwhile, a managing director for KWAN, the agency that handles Freida's endorsements in India, said, "It's a policy never to comment on brand deals. We've witnessed Freida's phenomenal growth in such a short span, and that too on a global platform. Brand Freida stands for very rare, unique and irreplaceable values and imagery, making her the ideal choice for a brand with a global appeal and an Indian focus."

Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon: Meet Monroe & Moroccan!

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 12:03 PM PDT

Giving a full look at the two new joys in their lives, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon let the world get a close look at their baby twins.

The power couple interviewed with Barbara Walters for a "20/20" special airing on Friday night (October 21), during which they focused on six-month-olds Moroccan and Monroe.

Discussing her pregnancy, Miss Carey said, "I don't think I understood the enormity or the magnitude of what it really does to your body. It's not just, oh you don't look pretty and you have a bump."

Also dishing about the little ones love for music, Mariah revealed, "They really respond to music," adding that she cried while singing "Hero" to the little ones.

Cannon, meanwhile, spoke of the importance that Monroe and Moroccan get schooled before deciding a career path, as he said, "I want to make sure we get education first. Society puts too much on entertainment and entertainers… They praise them like they're royalty, especially in America, where it should really be about the teachers or, you know, the doctors."

"I want them to be able to sing as beautifully as their mother. I want them to be able to play instruments and everything. But I want them like ….'Go get a Ph.D,'" Cannon added.

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Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds: The Morning After

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 11:33 AM PDT

Continuing to add credence to romance rumors, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were seen leaving his Boston apartment early in the morning on Saturday (October 22).

In an attempt to remain incognito, the "Gossip Girl" actress wore an oversized hat as her "Green Lantern" co-star kept an eye out for on lookers while packing up their ride.

The sighting comes shortly after Blake and Ryan stepped out for a night on the town with Sandra Bullock at Big Apple hotspot The Box.

With Reynolds celebrating his 35th birthday, a source told the NY Post's Page Six, "Blake and Ryan were sitting downstairs holding hands and had bodyguards with them. They left together at around 2:15 a.m."

Miley Cyrus’ Pet Shop Irritation

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 11:29 AM PDT

None too pleased by the paparazzi presence, an upset Miley Cyrus got a bit feisty as she left a pet store in Los Angeles on Friday (October 21).

The "Hannah Montana" hottie exited the animal shop while covering her face with a bag of Taste of the Wild pet food, at one point flipping the bird at lurking paparazzi.

The sighting comes just as it has been announced that Miley's movie "LOL" is set to be released in the spring of 2012.

Co-starring Demi Moore, Miss Cyrus plays the role of Lola, a "teenage Aphrodite, minus the confidence."

A writeup of her character tells, "She loses her virginity, talks about sex incessantly, smokes marijuana, kisses one of her two best female friends on the lips, gets wasted and accidentally shows her mom, Ann, (Demi) her Brazilian wax."

"Paranormal Activity 3" Scares Up Box Office Victory

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 11:22 AM PDT

Spooking up a top-earning spot as it made its way into theaters, "Paranormal Activity 3" wiped out the competition at the box office over the weekend of October 21-23, 2011.

The third offering in the horror genre film raked in a powerful $26 million on opening day while expected to garner an impressive with a $52 million weekend total.

Settling for runner-up is dancin' drama "Footloose," as the Julianne Hough/Kenny Wormald led classic remake garnered $3.6 million on Friday en route to a $10.5 total during its second weekend in cinemas.

Rounding out the top five at the box office in estimated weekend totals were Hugh Jackman's "Real Steel" ($10 million), followed by "The Three Musketeers 3D" ($8 million) and "The Ides of March" ($5 million).

Kim Kardashian’s Magical 31st Birthday at The Darby

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 11:11 AM PDT

Celebrating with her loved ones, Kim Kardashian had quite the memorable 31st birthday bash in New York City on Friday night (October 21).

The E! reality star and husband Kris Humphries made their way over to The Darby to join up with sister Kourtney and her boyfriend Scott Disick at a prime table inside the popular Big Apple eatery.

During the course of the festivities, Kim's gal pal La La Anthony sang a Stevie Wonder version of "Happy Birthday!" as the spotlight was shined on her from the stage.

Making the festivities even more magical, singer Pink offered up an impromptu performance of "Killing me Softly" as Kim and Kris held one another tightly throughout.

Not letting the celebrations end too soon, Miss Kardashian is off to Sin City for a huge soiree in her honor at the Las Vegas hotspot Marquee nightclub later tonight.

Ashley Tisdale: Sunshine State Bikini Babe

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 11:03 AM PDT

Not shy when it comes to showing off her fine figure, Ashley Tisdale stripped down while poolside in Miami, FL on Friday (October 21).

The "Phineas & Ferb" star is in town to visit her boyfriend, Scott Speer, who is directing a music video in the Sunshine State locale.

Meanwhile, as previously reported by GossipCenter, it was announced that Miss Tisdale has sold a semi-autobiographical comedy project to ABC that she's to star in and co-produce.

Titled "Under Construction," the hopeful series will follow "a young woman who must sacrifice her independence and must move back in with her family while her father helps to renovate her 'money pit' home among another things," according to Deadline.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011



"Black Gold" International Trailer: Watch It Now!

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 02:41 PM PDT

Giving fans a sneak peak at the drama ready to unfold, the international trailer for the much-talked about "Black Gold" has hit the Web.

Offering up an impressive crop of acting talents, Antonio Banderas, Freida Pinto lend their acting chops for the movie's leading roles.

Sure to stir up intense conversation, the Jean-Jacques Annaud's project centers on "young Arab prince torn between allegiance to his conservative father and modern, liberal father-in-law."

Additionally, the movie, which is set for a December 23rd Stateside release, co-stars Mark Strong and Tahar Rahim.

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Elizabeth Olsen: "Martha Marcy May Marlene" London Premiere

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 01:59 PM PDT

Arriving for a red carpet debut, Elizabeth Olsen was spotted at the screening of "Martha Marcy May Marlene" in London, England on Friday (October 21).

The younger sister to infamous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley looked stunning in a floor-length ruffled frock and heels as she happily smiled for the cameras before heading inside for the 55th BFI London Film Festival.

Charlie Sheen: "Extremely Disappointed" with “Two and a Half Men”

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 01:40 PM PDT

He rarely passes up a press opportunity, and Charlie Sheen spoke with the guys over at TMZ about what he thinks of the new "Two and a Half Men."

The "Men At Work" actor spent seven years as Charlie Harper on the CBS hit show and when asked his opinion of the latest season (sans him) he revealed that he's "extremely disappointed."

Of Ashton Kutcher's edition to the scene, Sheen went on to say, "He's doing the best he can. I don't think the role is cursed, but I'm extremely disappointed with how they're handling what I left behind."

When asked about the show's recent decline in ratings, the 46-year-old said, "People aren't stupid, you know. Not all of them."

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Lindsay Lohan: Cupcake Denial

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 01:35 PM PDT

No matter how much mischief she finds herself in, Lindsay Lohan sure has some loyal fans.

While the "Mean Girls" actress was fulfilling her duty at the L.A. County Morgue on Friday (October 21), a super fan attempted to deliver LiLo some cupcakes.

Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter refused the cupcakes, turned the man away and when asked about it, told TMZ, "It's unacceptable. We're not here to accept food."

As previously reported, Lohan was unable to complete her community service at the Morgue on Thursday after arriving 40 minutes late, but made up for it today by arriving a little bit early for a shift.

"The Three Musketeers": In Theaters Now!

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 01:21 PM PDT

It's one of the year's most highly-anticipated films, and today (October 21) all the action of "The Three Musketeers" will finally make its way onto the big screen.

Delivering their A-list acting ability to the Paul W.S. Anderson flick are stars Orlando Bloom and Milla Jovovich, who have earned rave reviews ahead of the project's debut

Per IMDB's website, the action/romance movie revolves around the hot-headed young D'Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers who must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war.

Adding to the already-impressive bill, Logan Lerman, Luke Evans and Matthew Macfadyen.

Hilary Duff: Week Ending Workout

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 01:14 PM PDT

She certainly has the pregnancy glow these days, and Hilary Duff was spotted heading to the gym in Los Angeles, CA on Friday (October 21).

The "War, Inc" beauty looked super cute in workout shoes, leggings and a hooded sweatshirt as she politely smiled despite the pesky paparazzi.

Opening up to E! News about what she and hubby Mike Comrie plan to name their baby, Duff told, "We have one that's very traditional and one that's more unique. And when the baby comes out we'll decide then. It's not a fruit or a veggie."

"We definitely want to have more than one," she added. "We don't want to have just one child [Mike] comes from a large family, I'm super-close with my sister. I think that's important. But we are not planning that right now. We're like, 'Let's see how one baby goes."

Kim & Kourtney Kardashian: Take Mason to the Museum

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 12:59 PM PDT

Spending quality time with her little man, Kourtney Kardashian and Mason were spotted out in New York City on Friday (October 21).

The "Kourtney and Kim Kardashian Take New York" hottie looked trendy as usual in high boots, a dress and fur vest as she and her son, along with Kim visited the Museum of Natural History.

Kourt is helping her sister, Kim, celebrate her 31 birthday today!

Giving her newlywed sis a shoutout via Twitter, Kourtney wrote, "Happy birthday to my favorite sister of the day @KimKardashian! Let's party like it's 1980!"

AnnaLynne McCord: LAX Arrival

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 12:43 PM PDT

Arriving back home on the west coast, AnnaLynne McCord was spotted at the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday (October 21).

The dressed-down "90210" hottie looked a bit exhausted in comfy clothes, a hat and sunglasses as she made her way through the airport and outside to her waiting ride.

Just last night, McCord channeled her inner 2009 Jessica Simpson as she sported high-waisted mom jeans, a black top and a leopard-print belt.

The 24-year-old actress has been busy shooting the new season of her hit CW show, but managed to squeeze in a visit to the MTV Studios on Thursday (October 20).

"Margin Call": In Theaters Now!

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 12:33 PM PDT

Unleashing its sure-to-be thrilling storyline on moviegoers, "Margin Call" made its long-awaited weekend box office debut today (October 21).

Under the direction of J.C. Chandor the film boasts a bevy of Hollywood heavyweights, including Demi Moore, Kevin Spacey and Zachary Quinto

As for the film, it "revolves around the key people at an investment bank over a 24-hour period during the early stages of the financial crisis."

Adding to the project's star-studded appeal, "Margin Call" co-stars Penn Badgley, Simon Baker, Stanley Tucci and Mary McDonnell.

Katherine Heigl: Hollywood Pit Stop

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 12:24 PM PDT

Looking to refuel her white luxury SUV, Katherine Heigl was spotted at a gas station in Hollywood yesterday afternoon (October 20).

The "Grey's Anatomy" gal looked snazzy in a light brown mountain coat as she topped off her tank and drove off to her destination.

Katherine recently gushed about her adopted daughter Naleigh and her budding passion for fashion.

"She's a total girly girl. "I had my stylist over and we were working on the outfit for tonight, and she had a slew of beautiful shoes and jewelry and clothes. Naleigh Moon loves all that stuff — she put on these crazy stilettos. She's [almost] three years old and her foot's this big. But she could clomp around in these stilettos I think are impossible to walk in."

"She's really chatty now, and she gets this little attitude — not a bad attitude, but a very grown up, saucy attitude that blows my mind because I don't even know where she's picking it up from. Unless it's from me, which would just be upsetting."

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011



Ashton Kutcher Addresses Honesty in the Media

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:32 PM PDT

Addressing the rumors that have been swirling around him and wife Demi Moore in a most roundabout way, Ashton Kutcher posted a web video based on honesty on Thursday (October 20).

The video shows a somber "Two and a Half Men" star speaking directly to the camera starting off with a description of the post as, "A brief commentary on the status of integrity of media and literature. Honesty in publishing has become the sole responsibility of the creator. Or should I say "soul."

"We are our own editors and publishers and printers. … People can bastardize the truth in any way, shape or form that they want. A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can leave someone's lips," he continued on.

Never specifically acknowledging what the world wants to know, Kutcher made several points leading us to believe that it was his way of saying he didn't cheat on his wife.

Justin Bieber Talks My World 2.0 Follow-Up

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:13 PM PDT

Sure, he's got a holiday album coming out in November, but Justin Bieber is also focused on how he's going to top the success of his My World 2.0 record.

The "Never Say Never" stud explained how the next months of his life are scheduled, and there's not much time for rest.

"What's happening is: get off this tour, and then my [holiday] album's coming out, so I have to go back out and promote that album ... and then after that ... it's almost time for my next album, so then everything starts over again."

"We've already started [working on it], but we're going to be going in every day and working with new people and trying to find the best sound, because I'm going to be recording different styles, different things until I find a solid 15 songs that I love. ... I'm going to be recording as many songs as I possibly can."

Justin added, "I'm trying to create a new sound that people aren't really used to hearing, so it might sound weird at first, but it's going to be like when Justin Timberlake did FutureSex/LoveSounds: It was a new sound ... acoustic guitar over hard drums."

"I want to find something that's going to suit me and my fans are going to love and older people will like and younger people will like. But I'm always trying to keep my core fanbase, because the young people are what make everything cool. Old people look to young people, so trying to keep everyone happy."

Michelle Monaghan Covers Health November 2011

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:51 PM PDT

She radiates beauty and perfection, but Michelle Monaghan had quite the health scare a few years back.

The "Made of Honor" hottie recently revealed that she has her husband Peter White to thank for discovering that she once had skin cancer on her leg.

"I had a mole on the back of my calf, and he was adamant that I get it checked," the actress told Health magazine's November 2011 issue. "I finally went, and it was skin cancer. I had quite the chunk taken out of my leg. I'm so grateful he noticed it."

Now that she's clear of the melanoma, Michelle jokingly added, "I clearly now realize he has a keen eye and wonder what other imperfections he's noticing!"

Other highlights from Michelle's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to visit Health!

On how she stays in shape:
"I do squats, lunges, strength training. I ran a half-marathon in April with my cousins, mom, and aunts. It was amazing. After that, we had big plans to do the Chicago Marathon, but two weeks later, we were asking, "Are we really going to do it, or were we just on a runner's high?" I haven't run since!"

On whether she has any body challenges:
"The old bum and thigh area. I hope most women agree with me! Keeping it toned, dealing with cellulite. I hate when I feel it move after me."

On whether she's for or against cosmetic surgery:
"I don't think it's for me. The acting that I respect is about conveying emotion without really speaking. I'm not saying I jump for joy when I see new laugh lines, but I would try every possible recourse before going under the knife."

On the body part she's proudest of:
"I have nice muscle tone in my arms. I can't really take credit for it, though—all the members of my family do. A lot of arm wrestling happened in our family growing up!"

Matt Damon Visits the Zoo, Readies Directorial Debut

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:29 PM PDT

Carving out some time with the family, Matt Damon visited New York City's Central Park Zoo with his loved ones earlier today (October 20).

Enjoying the day with his father, wife and sister-in-law, the "Contagion" actor also took a few moments for an interview set to be featured in an upcoming issue of GQ magazine.

Meanwhile, in career news, Matt is finally making his long-awaited directorial debut - taking the helm and the starring role in the project he co-wrote with "The Office" actor John Krasinski, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

As for the film, which is scheduled to start production in the near future, is said to center on a salesman (Damon) who sees his life dramatically changed after moving to a small town.

Candice Swanepoel & Alessandra Ambrosio: Toronto Celebration!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:14 PM PDT

They've both been hard at work on photo-shoots for Victoria's Secret's upcoming catalog, but on Thursday (October 20) Candice Swanepoel and Alessandra Ambrosio were spotted celebrating in Toronto, Canada.

The supermodel beauties attended a VS media brunch at Hotel Le Germain, where Miss Ambrosio surprised Miss Swanepoel with a giant candle-adorned cupcake as she turns 23 years old today!

Birthday girl Candice was sporting a shorter 'do than usual - which leads us to believe she had her extensions taken out just ahead of the media event.

Earlier in the day, Swanepoel, who was donning her long locks, stopped by Etalk Canada with Ambrosio to chat with the entertainment news hosts Ben Mulroney and Tanya Kim.

Kelsey Grammer Talks "Boss," Breakup From Camille

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:52 PM PDT

Hitting the set to dish about both his professional and personal life, Kelsey Grammer made an appearance on "Good Morning America" earlier today (October 20).

Giving press to his latest television venture "Boss," the former "Frasier" star opened up about his dark new character and what fans can expect from his latest gig.

Turning to his much-publicized split from wife of 13 years Camille, Kelsey explained his reasoning for signing on to "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" before their divorce, telling, "It [RHOBH] was a part of my feeling that I should exit with some sort of gift."

Grammer, who now says he's "got it right" with new wife Kayte Walsh, added, "That was a way of saying, here's what you always wanted, I'm gone. With my grace, go have that famous life you wanted."

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Nicolas & Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Name Daughter Giulia

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:32 PM PDT

She gave birth to her little girl on Wednesday and earlier today (October 20), Carla Bruni-Sarkozy announced her newborn's name.

The First Lady of France, along with her President husband Nicolas, named their baby girl Giulia - as Carla released a statement on her official website reading: "I am deeply touched by the many message of congratulations that I have received since the birth."

To mark the "happy occasion," Carla and Nicolas offer their "warmest thanks to all those of you who sent us these tokens of your kindness."

Baby Guilia is the first child born to a ruling French leader since Napoleon.

Christian Bale’s “The Flowers of War” Trailer: Watch Now!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:15 PM PDT

His range as an actor is astounding, and Christian Bale's latest film "The Flowers of War" has just released a new trailer.

The "Machinist" plays a Catholic priest in the Chinese capital city of Nanking in 1937 when the Japanese launched a major attack.

The film is about 13 prostitutes who substituted for female university students who were taken as escorts for the troops. Bale's character shelters a group of these women in his church during what was eventually called The Rape of Nanking.

"The Flowers of War" is based on Chinese author Yan Geling's novel "The 13 Women of Nanjing" and hits theaters in December.

Hilary Duff Dishes Her Post-Pregnancy Plans

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:54 AM PDT

Keeping up with her pre-natal fitness regimen, Hilary Duff hit up her neighborhood gym in Los Angeles, California earlier today (October 20).

Showing no signs of slowing down while having a baby on board, the former "Lizzie McGuire" actress took to her afternoon workout in a comfy black t-shirt and green sweat bottoms.

Meanwhile, four-and-a-half months along Hilary has opened up about her plans post-pregnancy, telling E!, "I want to get into the studio. I want to start recording. Even if I just mess around and kind of get myself in the swing of it. Before I got pregnant I was thinking about making a record so I still want to do that"

The glowing mom-to-be added, "I think that after I have the baby I'll want to sit still for a few months and learn how to be a really good mom and then there's no reason why I can't put a record out and tour...It might take a little while but I'm really excited about it."

George Clooney & Stacy Keibler: “The Descendants” at BFI

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 11:33 AM PDT

Adding to the excitement of the 55th BFI London Film Festival, George Clooney took to the red carpet for the premiere of "The Descendants" on Thursday night (October 20).

The "Men Who Stare at Goats" was joined by new lady Stacy Keibler as the couple both got all gussied up for the big event and took some time to pose for the press before heading into the screening.

Also in attendance was George's young co-star Shailene Woodley, who accompanied Clooney during an Odeon West End photocall for the film earlier in the day.

And on October 24th, Clooney will be honored at the Hollywood Film Festival's Awards Gala with the Hollywood Actor Award for his role in "The Descendants."

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011



Kellan Lutz: I Prefer to Live with Gay Guys

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 05:56 PM PDT

He's long been bombarded with speculation surrounding his sexuality, but Kellan Lutz says he doesn't mind the senseless chatter because he's secure with himself.

"I don't Google myself, but I've heard that people think I'm gay... Most of the girlfriends I've had have come after me. So it's really funny when girls get offended because I don't hit on them," the "Twilight" hunk told The Advocate recently.

Kellan continued, "They'll transform their insecurity into, 'Oh, that makes sense, because I heard you're into guys and have a boyfriend.' I'm like, 'Seriously? That's your tactic to get me to like you?' There will always be rumors, but I know who I am."

Despite having to defend his own sexuality, Lutz says he has no issue with his LGBT community itself, telling, "Oh, they're the best. I love them. When I meet gay fans out and about, they're so great to talk to -- and I'm big on hugging, because I'm from the Midwest," adding, "I'm proud to have those fans, and their support means a lot to me. I don't want just girls coming to my movies; I want guys to come too."

Furthering his point, the 26-year-old actor explained, "Honestly, I'd prefer to live with gay guys. They're the cleanest, and they just take care of stuff. Because I'm always away, coming home to a clean house means a lot to me. Trust me, I've lived with a lot of roommates, and straight guys are just kids who don't pick up after themselves."

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s Sexy Topless GQ Feature

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 05:04 PM PDT

Bringing her sexiness to another publication, Rosie Huntington Whiteley heats up the pages of the November 2011 issue of GQ South Africa.

The English model/actress posed for a stunning feature, as she showed off her too-hot figure while scantily clad and topless throughout.

With a behind the scenes video also included, Rosie talked about her passion for food in the short accompanying interview, first saying, "My baby fat melted away as I got older."

The 24-year-old added, "I'm a huge eater! It can be anything from a roast dinner cooked by my mum to pizza or burgers. I love chips. I'm a British farm girl - I love to eat, it's a really important part of my life!"

Sarah Hyland & Matt Prokop’s "Geek Charming" Kiss

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 04:28 PM PDT

They certainly make a cute couple, and Sarah Hyland and Matt Prokop were spotted at a promotional appearance for "Geek Charming" in New York City on Wednesday (October 19).

The "Modern Family" fox and her "High School Musical 3" beau looked super cute as they posed for pictures at Planet Hollywood in Times Square - with the duo even sharing a kiss for the on-hand photogs.

Earlier in the day, the co-stars/real life lovers headed to "The View" to talk about their upcoming Disney channel movie.

"Geek Charming" revolves around a spoiled, stuck-up high school girl (Hyland) who is forced to interact with a geek (Prokop) who retrieves her designer handbag from a mall fountain.

Kim Kardashian: Dashin’ Around NYC

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 04:01 PM PDT

Keeping herself busy while back in the States after her United Arab Emirates trip, Kim Kardashian was spotted making a stylish arrival back to her hotel in New York City this evening (October 19).

Wearing a grey fur-lined coat to keep warm in the cooling Big Apple fall weather, the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" cutie strutted past paparazzi while meeting back up with new hubby Kris Humphries.

Tweeting about the day's doings, Kim wrote, "Just left @DashNYC! Its so cute! And so are the Dash Dolls! I'm sending my mom & grandma MJ a cute gift"

Meanwhile, Miss Kardashian is gearing up to head to Las Vegas this weekend - as she'll be holding a sure-to-be-fabulous 31st birthday bash at Marquee nightclub on Saturday night (October 22).

Julianne Hough Talks Problem Skin

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 03:33 PM PDT

Trying to keep up with her packed schedule, Julianne Hough was spotted arriving at LAX International Airport last night (October 18).

The "Footloose" hottie looked to be in good spirits as she made her way through the terminal, sporting a black jacket with a grey scarf and sunglasses.

In a recent interview, Julianne talked about dealing with acne as she was trying to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

"You try to tell yourself that you're fine and it's all good — and you really should be fine — but it definitely affects you. You want to do what you can to make you feel good."

And having family and friends to support her through the tough times. "There's just a certain glow you have when you're with your loved ones. I love to get glammed up and feel that my hair looks great, and my skin looks good and when my legs are shaved and I'm wearing high heels."

Bintang Film Porno Ini Ngeseks Sambil Terjun Payung

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 03:15 PM PDT

Tak ada kata lain selain gila untuk apa yang dilakukan oleh Alex Torres. Bintang film porno yang dikenal dengan sebutan Voodoo itu merekam adegan seks sambil terjun payung.

Aksi gila itu dilakukan Torres bersama seorang resepsionis tempatnya bekerja bernama Hope Howell. Selain berprofesi sebagai bintang film porno, Torres juga seorang instruktur terjun payung.

Mereka melakukan aksinya di pagi hari ketika belum ada orang yang datang sehingga tak ada yang terganggu. Sebelum melakukan aksi terjun payung, Torres dan Hope juga sempat merekam adegan seks mereka di dalam pesawat.

Saat terjun bebas, Torres dan Hope terus merekam adegan seks mereka. Lokasi ketinggian sepertinya tak mempengaruhi mereka menikmati ide gila itu.

Seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Selasa (18/10/2011), Torres sempat memposting video tersebut di internet namun dihapus hari Senin kemarin.

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Vanessa Minnillo: Shopping Made Sexy

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 03:11 PM PDT

She's always a pretty sight to see, and yesterday (October 18) Vanessa Minnillo was spotted shopping it up in Studio City, CA.

The brunette beauty looked fashionable in a cute dress paired with a blazer and heels as she exited the popular Belle Gray boutique.

Meanwhile, Vanessa's hubby Nick Lachey recently opened up to Access Hollywood about the couple's desire to have kids in the near future and where they can see themselves raising a family.

"I love the idea of raising kids in the Midwest, where the values are good," Lachey told, adding that he likes the idea of living next to his brother so the two of them can raise children together.

"That's kind of that brother dream," he added.

Odette Anable Heats Up Men’s Health November 2011

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 02:27 PM PDT

She's one of the hottest young actresses around, and Odette Anable is featured in a hot new spread adorning the pages of the November 2011 issue of Men's Health.

The 26-year-old "House" star looked picture perfect as she playfully posed for the magazine's pictorial while chatting about topics including women in the kitchen and the flirtatious happenings at hospitals.

Highlights from Odette's feature are as follows. For more, be sure to visit Men's Health!

On actresses:
"We're a little crazy, always pretending to be something we're not."

On women in the kitchen:
"Guys should know that we're very controlling when we cook."

Dave Anable on her athletic prowess:
"She'll love hearing how attractive you find her muscles."

On the doctor/nurse relationship:
"There's a special level of work-flirt I've seen only at hospitals."

Ashley Judd Becomes Lipizzan Horse’s Godparent

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 02:02 PM PDT

Taking on her newest role, Ashley Judd has become the proud godparent of a striking baby Lipizzan horse.

Looking to be in love with the stunning young stallion, the "High Crimes" actress posed with the steed named Rodesia while in Going, Austria earlier today (October 19).

In other news, Ashley, like many others, continues to deal with the shocking death of Indy race car driver Dan Wheldon, of whom was competing against her husband Dario Franchitti during Sunday's fateful event.

Remembering her friend with words near to her heart, Judd tweeted, "As we continue to absorb Dan's accident -- we forget, remember, re-experience shock, denial, anger, pain -- I'm reminded of a favorite poem: DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so, For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow, Due not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest & sleepe, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure then from thee, much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee doe goe, Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie. One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally, And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die. J Donne."

Ashley Greene Inks Deal with DKNY, DKNY Jeans

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 01:43 PM PDT

She's one of Hollywood's hot young stars, and Ashley Greene has signed on to represent DKNY and DKNY Jeans.

A company release tells that the "Twilight" actress has inked and exclusive one-year deal to be the brands' ambassador and partake in ad campaigns over the next twelve months.

Patti Cohen, Donna Karan International's executive vice president for global marketing and communications, told, "Ashley embodies everything DKNY—her energy, her spirit, her eclectic personal style. She is on the forefront of what it means to connect with a global fan base through social media, a focus that is aligned with our digital and new media initiatives."

Elated over the new gig, Miss Greene stated, "I've always loved Donna Karan's creations. To be a part of the brands' message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. It's easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I'm in New York, L.A. or traveling for work."